Tamara – 09/27/2023 “Days of our Lives” HD Screencaps & Media….The Lady Woo Woo Edition

So the title has to do with a line Tamara says as AVA VITALI that is perhaps the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long while on a soap. I’m really loving Steve as Harris Michaels and how keeps talking Ava down on the ledge much in the way he did as Jason to Tamara’s Carly on GENERAL HOSPITAL. And I’m one thousand percent here for it. I’m also wondering if head writer, Ron Carlivati, is doing what he could never do on GENERAL HOSPITAL and capitalizing on the embarassment of riches he has with the obvious chemistry Tamara and Steve have had since Carly and Jason. I’m remembering the scene where Carly was forcing a suit fitting on Jason before his and Courteny’s (Alicia Leigh Willis) wedding and before Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) kidnapped Carly beginning the Panic Room storyline. I think I’m done strolling down memory lane.

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