TAMARA BRAUN ONLINE is stunned to hear of the death of Tamara’s GENERAL HOSPITAL co-star, Tyler Christopher. As with Rest in Peace Billy Miller, we send our condolences to Tyler’s family, co-workers, and fans. Tyler played the part of Nikolas Cassadine on GHDAYS OF OUR LIVES. Tyler was on during Tamara’s time as Carly Corinthos. I believe they had a few scenes together. This is just too tragic for the GENERAL HOSPITAL community coming on the heels of both Billy Miller’s death, and the death of Jacklyn Zeman earlier this year.
Category: Taylor Walker
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Today’s episode. Not happy when they show Tamara with people Carly is supposed to be interacting with. This is the reason I get so disappointed in Valentini’s decision to bring her back. It’s not like it was when she was Ava Vitali and Taylor Walker on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Tamara had signed so short term for all three stays that to a degree I/we only had to invest for a for a small bit of time. However, she was Carly for four almost five years. This means she made a bigger impact. I really want her as Carly and I’m not going to hide it. I’ve been patient and been a good girl. Also I’m getting a little irked at the lack of coverage of Tamara in the soap books. For instance in the most recent ABC Soaps In Depth, there was one page with a small photo of her, but more than a dozen of Laura Wright. It’s as if she’s more important than Tamara who was on the show before. For me right now it’s about a level of frustration given what we know Tamara can do and also wanting her back in Maurice Benard (Sonny Corinthos) and Steve Burton’s (Jason Morgan) sphere. I want real CarSon and real Jarly. What we have right now is something distorted and like I said putting her in scenes with Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis Davis) doesn’t help.
Here is the first post of the day. Like I said in my Twitter message my PVR didn’t record the episode at 2:00PM Eastern, so I’ve had to wait until 4:00PM Eastern to get the west coast feed. Sorry about that, but for your consolation I have a new interview with Tamara from the latest ABC Soaps In Depth. Here Tamara talks about returning to the show as Kim Nero, working with William deVry (Julian Jerome) and Garren Lake Stitt (Oscar Nero). There was another photo of Tamara in the publication but no article. I’ve included that in the gallery but as always no text of it. Please click on the two pages below to go to the gallery. The text version of the article is in the Press section. Click on the visual link to read. As always it is encouraged to go out and buy the magazine.
Not much of our girl today. She’s been missing in action since the 25th of April and this is all we get? I’m going to state again why bring her back to play a character who the writers clearly have no interest is developing beyond just hanging around at Charlie’s and chasing after Julian (William deVry)? The one thing we know now is that I’ve added a new project of Tamara’s to the sidebar. Apparently she’s been off filming a pilot for a new series either for television or streaming a la Netflix. The series is THROTTLE and Tamara’s character’s name is Kate Smith. So far she’s filmed one episode and the pilot is scheduled to air/stream in 2019. I’m going to keep an eye on this title for any new news on it or whether it will go to series. Here’s hoping it does as Tamara looks like she’s a main character. Quite frankly I’d rather see her in a series rather than being wasted on this show. Sorry for being the Debbie Downer but it’s been so frustrating to see her largely play crowd scenes in other people’s stories considering as Carly, Ava, Reese and even Taylor she was driving her own stories. It just seems to me Frank Valentini and the writers wanted her back for her fans eyes, rather than giving her fans what we want.
Sorry for how late in the day these are, but I had some tweaking of the media section and some of the video files I had to do.