Category: Taylor Walker


Is anyone getting as excited as I am to see Tamara back? I know I am. I can hardly wait to see how she’ll look as Taylor.

Okay, random post…. just because.


In what I can only call a shocking announcement, it appears that Tamara is on her way back to daytime television. And it’s back to DAYS OF OUR LIVES, but not as Ava, her Emmy Award Winning role…but as a character currently being played by her former GH co-star Natalia Livingston. The character is named Taylor Walker. Here’s the news bite from SOAP OPERA DIGEST ONLINE, more below the cut:

Huge DAYS Casting Change!

Soap Opera Digest has learned that Emmy winner Natalia Livingston (ex-Emily/Rebecca, GH), who just started airing three weeks ago as DAYS’s Taylor, has been let go and replaced with another Emmy winner who used to call Port Charles home — Tamara Braun (ex-Ava, DAYS; ex-Carly, GH et al). Braun appeared as Ava in 2008 and took home a golden trophy for her Salem performances in 2009. She will start taping today; look for her to first air in late April. “It was decided to take the character of Taylor in a new direction,” explains Co-Executive Producer Gary Tomlin. “Natalia Livingston is an amazing actress and a consummate professional. She is a class act and everyone at the studio adores her.”


I want to thank Lisa for the heads up on this news. While I would have loved to have seen Ava back in Salem, it’s good news that Tamara will once again be gracing our screens and rest assured, TAMARA OBSCURA will be here to keep you up on Tamara’s new role.