Category: Taylor Walker


Yeesh, did I say ‘house cleaning’? I must either be in an alternate universe or insane. Yeah, I hate housework so sue me! Actually I’m going to be doing a major overhaul of the gallery. There is a lot of flotsam in there and it’s hugely disorganized I’m very unhappy. I’ve learned a lot about setting up galleries since my first installation of this website six loooooong years ago and I want to employ that set up for the gallery here. So this is going to entail a lot of moving and deleting as necessity calls. I don’t plan on taking the gallery off line, I know I’d have a full scale Tamara riot on my hands. Oh no! I will not face that. So please don’t be too alarmed if you see some things happening that might be considered hinky. I love hinky so that’s why I’m going to be doing this. The reason I’m doing this is to prepare for Tamara’s start on NECESSARY ROUGHNESS. I’m also in the process of trying to complete Tamara’s time on DAYS OF OUR LIVES as Taylor and get the screencaps in the gallery and the clips in the soap media site. I’ve been too remiss in getting those done. So during this time please be patient. In the end it’ll be worth it. Another thing, the main site is going to be undergoing some minor touch ups. I want to add some things here that will bring it more into line with my other sites. With Christopher Meloni done his work on the HBO series TRUE BLOOD and Mitch Pileggi done on DALLAS until January, I’ve found I have a lot of time on my hands…well, almost. I’m still taking care of my mother who is still rehabbing from her hip operation but in between my duties for her and the regular stuff here at home, I want to get this site a little more organized. I hope you’ll like that in the end. For now, take care and be safe.


According to Debby O’Connor, Tamara has a fan club event coming up in July. Here’s the information:

WHO: Tamara Braun (ex-Taylor, DAYS; ex-Carly, GH; ex-Ava, DAYS, ex-Reese, AMC)
WHAT: Tamara Braun’s GHFWE
WHERE: Sportsmen’s Lodge Event Center
WHEN: Sunday, July 22, 1-4 p.m.
Tickets are $80 for fan club members and $85 for nonmembers. A luncheon buffet will be served.

To order tickets, please send (2) self-addressed, stamped envelopes, along with your money order made payable to
Your Number One Fan
Debby O’Connor,
P.O. Box 16212,
Irvine, CA 92623.

You may also purchase by going to our website at to purchase using PayPal. Please note: All tickets are nonrefundable. Be sure to include the name(s) of all of your guests to ensure you are seated together.

If anyone does attend, please feel free to contact me and share any snappies. I’m always willing to post them in the gallery with proper credit going to the one who does share.


Well, I just got through watching the day-ahead episode of Tamara’s final day on DOOL and I can tell you, they did not kill her off. Taylor lives and has gone off into the Bollywood sunset with Quinn (Bren Foster), Vivian (Louise Sorel) and the newly returned Ivan (Ivan G’Vera). Apparently Ivan is a producer in the lucrative Bollywood film industry and he returned to Salem to reclaim his Madam, Vivian. He has a private plane and along with Ms. Alamain, he’s taking Quinn and Taylor off with him. So Taylor has survived. I have to say, this farewell was way better than Tamara’s first go around as Ava. There is the chance Taylor might return, though considering this so-called ‘new’ path Ken Corday is taking this show on, I doubt it. I think the capper on this departure had to be the final scene Tamara as Taylor had with James Reynolds (Abe Carver). I’ve loved James since I first saw him as Abe back in the 80s, and to have her final scene be with him was sublime but bittersweet. I still think this reboot Corday has launched is a bit premature. All the exits in one fell swoop is a bit too much and to lose such a talent as Tamara is too big a hit. As of tomorrow’s actual NBC network airing, it’ll be my last for DAYS OF OUR LIVES. It’s been a good run, however, Tamara’s presence made the show watchable and for me her final day tomorrow means I’m done. In the coming days I’ll try to get her final months of episodes up in the gallery and in the media section. With not having to record each day it’ll be easier. I also really want to clear all the rough clips off my computer to make some room. So all I can say is this, for all my visitors, stop by Tamara’s TWITTER page and leave her a tweet or two about how much she’ll be missed. I will be doing it right now. Hope to see you soon Tamara. I’m going to miss you each day.


According to the latest edition of SOAP OPERA WEEKLY, Tamara’s last official airdate as Taylor on DOOL has been revised to 22 September 2011. There’s still no word as to the how Taylor will be written off, but I know one thing…I’m going to miss Tamara. She’s been a huge asset to this show over the past few months and I still truly believe TPTB never truly utilized Tamara the way they could have.

I also wanted to give an update as to the caps and clips. What is taking so long is that I’m now ripping all clips to HD format. This means it takes double the time to save. I’m so far about half way through July’s episodes and will be posting them when done.


I’m still workign on Tamara’s Taylor clips and caps. I want to get all of July done, so that’s what the hold up is. In the meantime, I have Tamara’s first ever film. This is from 1997 where Tamara played Terri’s Secretary in the film SOUL FOOD. Tamara’s only scene is with Vanessa L. Williams and a little boy. Blink and you’ll miss her. Hope you enjoy seeing Tamara’s first ever appearance in a film.



I have some new event images of Tamara and finally, the long overdue adding to the gallery of three promo pics of Tamara as Taylor from DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Sorry for the delay.

  • [ 031 ] 06/16/2011 – 2011 DAYTIME EMMYS COCKTAIL PARTY RECEPTION