I know there hasn’t been much for you guys, but our girl has been very obscure. I do have a couple of events for you for the beginning of 2014. The first is one final event for 2013. The other is from January 2014. i’m glad to be bringing these to you…finally! Here’s hoping 2014 is a fruitful year for Tamara and we’re looking forward to seeing her more. Fingers crossed. The other bit of news I have for you is that I’ve renewed my domains of tamara-braun.com and tamarabraun.org for the coming year. So once again TAMARA OBSCURA will be around for anything Tamara Braun related. Now I know you’ve likely been having issues with the media sites in the main site as well as the soap site. I had to move hosting companies due to some server issues as well as space problems I had at the old one located in Japan. The new one is located in Toronto, Ontario and has given me unlimited space for all my media sites for all my other sites. The only problem is it would have cost me a lot for them to move the files from my old hosting company and move the files (lots) to the new one so I’ve had to do it all myself. I’m having many issues due to establishing database connections as well as script issues. Nothing is working and I’m in the process of trying to come up with a viable solution for all the media sites attached to my other websites such as my Keir Dullea Online as well as others I’ve created video sites for. The solution I’m thinking of is making one giant site with all included that might give me the chance to have everything in one place and the ability to introduce all my visitors to my other sites as well as this one to the various talents I’ve chosen to focus in on. I’d like some feedback on this issue, that is if you want to leave some. So while I get everything solved, please be patient. This solution might also help me to clean up some of the issues I had with the main Tamara media site as far as the sloppiness of it’s appearance and the adding of the videos. Again, let me know what you think. Would you be interested in seeing anyone else, or is your interest just Tamraa? For now here are the event images promised. Enjoy.