Category: Kim Nero

Tamara – “General Hospital” 11/28/2017 Media & Press Additions

Tamara – “General Hospital” 11/28/2017 Media & Press Additions

Here is today’s media for Tamara’s episode of GENERAL HOSPITAL. Not much here and the clip is very short, but hey, it’s Tamara. There is also some scans added to the press section. As always you’ll find the links under the requisite visual links. Just click on those to get you to where you want to go. After Thursday’s episode though, I won’t be posting the video here on the main site. The link will point to the section in the video section where you can watch the day’s clips. So get your clickers ready.

Tamara – “General Hospital” 11/27/2017

Tamara – “General Hospital” 11/27/2017

Here is today’s media. Sorry it’s so late but lots of things happening right now and couldn’t get to it till now. So much of Tamara’s isms today reminded me too much of Carly. How she took Jason/Patient6’s (Steve Burton) face, her voice, some of the clumsiness. That was all Carly.

Tamara – “General Hospital” 11/22/2017

Tamara – “General Hospital” 11/22/2017

Here is Tamara’s first day back at school. I thought that would be a fun way to start out this post since really it is like she’s back where she learned a lot of what she knows now about acting from her “trial-by-fire” playing Carly. Overall it was great to see her back, but I’ll have a lot more to say on this in another post after the American Thanksgiving Holiday. What I have to say isn’t for now, so for now enjoy Tamara’s return. You can find what you need under the links below.

Press & Gallery Additions

Press & Gallery Additions

I’ve updated the press section again with some new articles on Tamara’s return to GENERAL HOSPITAL. Like before you can find those at the links provided below. It has been confirmed her character’s name is Kim Nero. I will be posting all screencaps and clips of her episodes so you can keep checking back for those updates.